
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

                                 THE INTRAMURAL MEET 2010

                   we, the athletes representing the 4year class in the intramural 2010 do to hereby declare that we are Amateurs and do pledge our selves to compete in the spirit of true Sportsmanship, that if qualified and selected, we promise to prepare ourselves to be physically fit and worthy Ilocos sur national highschool athletes for any higher level of competitions.

Our intramural was held on oct.8-9. Some of our classmates are join the basket ball,volley ball and badminton. I'm glad that they won.For me, i enjoy watching the all players specially the 4th year.


      When troubles come your soul to try,
      You love the friend who just stands by.
      Perhaps there's nothing she can do,
      The thing is strictly up to you.

      For there are troubles all your own,
      And paths the soul must tread alone.
      Times when love can't smooth the road,
      Nor friendship lift the heavy load.

      But just to feel you have a friend,
      Who will stand by until the end.
      Whose sympathy through all endures,
      Whose warm handclasp is always yours.

      It helps somehow to pull you through,
      Although there's nothing she can do.
      And so with fervent heart we cry,
      God Bless the friend who just stands by.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My teacher, My hero

                  Dear ma'am:
                           First off all,I would like to greet you a pleasant morning and a 
                  happy happy teachers day.And,I would like also to say thank you.
                           Thank you for your patience!!!thank for supporting us!!!and
                  thank for loving us!!!Ma'am you are one of my inspiration to study
                  more harder so that I can achieve my goals in life.We love you ma'am
                  I will always here to pray for your safety and a good health.